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Jet Technologies launches world’s first biodegradable wine cork

Jet Technologies,  in partnership with Vinventions, has released the world’s first biodegradable wine cork to the Australian and New Zealand markets. 

The SUBR F7 biodegradable natural wine cork is the first glue-free and TCA taint-free cork available world-wide. It combines plant-based materials and technology to achieve the most sustainable cork on the market today.

“Food & beverage packaging sustainability is of increasing importance in the Australian and New Zealand markets,” said Daniel Malki, General Manager, Jet Technologies. “The biodegradable wine cork is an innovative product that is the first of its kind to launch globally and further adds to the range of sustainable options now available to wine producers.”

The SUBR F7 biodegradable cork uses a glue-free plant-based binder, rather than the commonly used polyurethane glue. The plant-based binder is biodegradable, as well as recyclable, and being glue-free, provides a work-safe product in comparison to handling polyurethane glues.

It also ensures the integrity and quality of the wine it holds, with a consistent, low oxygen ingress, which maintains the aromas of the wine and performs well for cellar ageing.

“The biodegradable wine cork is suitable for all wines, right through to premium wines,” added Daniel. “It has a high-quality natural cork look, which also offers the option of featuring printed wine branding on the sides or ends.”

The cork is long-term biodegradable and decomposes without the risk of migration of polyurethane products. It complies with all established global food safety standards and regulations.